Pray for your business

5 Ways to Pray for Your Business


As believers, opening a business means following God and what he puts in our hearts to impact the people around us or the world. That’s why we need to pray for our business.

In my eight years of owning a business, I have had to learn to pray for it and understand what God needs from me. Here are five ways to pray for your business to have a more significant impact.

Pray For Your Business

Here are five ways to pray for your business daily, weekly, or monthly. Do it as often as you need to pray for each area of your company.

1. Pray for discernment in the journey.

Planning where you want to take your business is essential, but do it with God. Understand where he is leading you. Are your dreams aligning with what God has in store for you?

When I opened a business, I thought God was leading me to open a cafe. That was not what God had planned, and things started to fall apart, and I was devastated. How could that be? I thought God wanted me to open a cafe! Nope! I missed what he was saying to me. He wanted me to do something else, and I missed it completely. I had to slow down and align my steps with God’s plan. I didn’t know the whole storyline and where I was going, but I knew the next step. So, I trusted his direction.

Are your steps in sync with God? If you don’t know the five-year plan, it’s okay. Just know the next step; sometimes, that’s enough to continue the entrepreneur journey.

2. Pray for joy in the journey

Being an entrepreneur can be tricky! There are days when you can be exhausted and run down, and the days can be extended. The tears are mainly from just the difficulty of the journey.

In my first year in business, I was confused most of the time. There was so much to figure out and understand that I lost my joy in the journey. I celebrated my wins by hustling harder, which took all the fun and happiness out of the process. What was joy? I didn’t know.

So, when you pray for your business, pray that the days are filled with joy. May whatever God entrusts you to bring a smile to your face while you do it.

3. Pray over customers

Remember that you are in business because people need what you provide. Without your customers, you have no business. These people support you, your family, your team and pay the bills. If they succeed, you succeed as well.

Whatever you sell, pray for it to impact their life and bless their homes, businesses, and communities.

In my business, I sold vegan pierogi with wholesome ingredients that tasted like my grandma’s. I prayed that their families would have meals together at one table and create lasting memories. I also prayed that their bodies would be filled with great food and nourish their bodies.

What does your product or service do for your customer? Pray into that and see how God blesses each one of them.

4. Pray that God will give you strength and equip you with the right tools to walk this journey.

As I mentioned before, business can be hard! So much ups and downs from day to day. Today you will be confident and can conquer the world. Tomorrow you are struggling to pick up the pieces. Everything is falling apart and you want to cry. This is where you need that strength from God.

We don’t know what we will encounter in business tomorrow, but God does. If he knows, we can pray into those situations. Trusting him to equip you with resources, mental energy and patience, understanding, wisdom, and love.

God is your first go-to when it comes to resources. He will send the right things or people into your life as an entrepreneur to help you through the journey, just ask him. He is more than happy to share.

5. Pray that your focus will stay on God and what you do will bring Him glory.

We are kingdom entrepreneurs. It doesn’t matter if you tell your customers that you are Christian, your actions will show it. Or at least they should. The customers will feel it in your work.

At the pierogi shop,  I had 8-10 team members working for me. There were several of them who said something similar to this, “There is something different about this place.” A few of them mentioned about the peace and love they experience while at work. Yes, we played Christian music. But that was not the only thing we did.

I didn’t want to just have a business to say I did. I wanted the people who walked into the building, the team members who worked for me to encounter something special. Some of them encountered that special feeling for the first time. I knew it was God touching them and I was happy to be a part of that journey.

Impacting the world for a greater purpose is the ultimate goal as a believer. That’s why I am writing this blog! I want to bless all my small business owner out there with what God taught in the last eight years and provide any resources you need.
